Directionally Correct

Directionally Correct is corporate-speak for something that's totally NOT right, but headed in the right direction. -- Huh.

понедельник, августа 15, 2005

The signing continues...

Pretty soon I'll transfer all this to Eli's baby book, and quit boring those who read this blog.
.... Come to think of it, that's only Aimee and maybe Chris. And, Aimee, you are contractually obligated to act interested. So, maybe I'll just continue updating with the latest signs.

So, this weekend's entries were:
Dada (Yes, this was after MUCH prompting by Chris.)
Ball (I think she'd made the sign before, but it was clear on Friday, when my Mom said "Ball" in conversation and Eli started smacking her hands together.)
Tressa (This morning Eliora was nursing in the living room, and we heard Tressa waking up in her room. Eli sat up and said "Teh-tah" and made the sign for Tressa.)

Aw, cute.
Is there an emoticon for *too-much-saccharine-sweetness-must-barf-now*?


  • At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    Um, weren't we JUST on the phone and you said something to the effect that you were a tad bit concerned about Eli's verbal skills because she doesn't say uh-oh? OK, that's probably a liberal paraphrasing, but come on! Please tell me your fears have been quieted. I mean, she said Tressa??? That's awesome. OK, you guys are 2 and 0 for genius kids. But, I didn't expect otherwise!

  • At 4:43 PM, Blogger KC said…

    it's so cool to know you're doing this with your kids!!!! . . . just wanted to "drop in" and say hi and that I continue to enjoy your poetry!

  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    you're reaching the masses!!!! I enjoy your blog...lots!

  • At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    currently, there are 90 minutes left on this friday. I need my FP!!



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