Directionally Correct

Directionally Correct is corporate-speak for something that's totally NOT right, but headed in the right direction. -- Huh.

четверг, октября 06, 2005

Weather in Amarillo....

Right now, Amarillo is Cloudy, and the temperature is 45°F.
Feels Like 38°F.

Here comes winter!


  • At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    Here it is finally in the 70s and I was thinking the same thing! I think I'd like your winter better. :-)

  • At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    The Seals are coming! The Seals are coming!!!!

    Woo hoo!!!

  • At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    Dear Laura,

    I love you so much, so please hear the following in l.o.v.e. ISee, here's the deal. I grow weary of reading about Amarillo being 38 degrees. I need some poetry in my life. Any chance of it returning?

    I love you!

    P.S. Karen Campbell put me up to this! (hee hee)

  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger KC said…

    I confess . . . I did! [to be heard as a chant] Po-e-try! Po-e-try! Po-e-try! (Sorry, but I've obviously affected by all the Astros fever around here and felt the need to resort to chanting!)

  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger Laura said…

    Oh, you guys love me!
    I promise, I'm working on it. Have had writer's block...

    Thanks for being my adoring "public."


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