Directionally Correct

Directionally Correct is corporate-speak for something that's totally NOT right, but headed in the right direction. -- Huh.

пятница, ноября 04, 2005

Friday Poetry Extravaganza (1 of 3)

Germ Warfare

Hack. [Phlegm] Gasp.
Daughter two sounds like Darth Vader breathing in her crib.
Sniffle. Wheeze.
Daughter one has fevered eyes.
Listlessly watching a video while wrapped up on the couch.

Both adults are sickly petulant.
Taking care of what we can.
Feverishly wash hands, dishes, surfaces, snotty faces.
Creativity running out as fast as the Kleenex.
Patience as solid as jello.
Passion as tepid as a bedtime sippy cup.


  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger KC said…

    The juxtaposition of the beauty and the coughing bane of the season is touching when you read the three as a series! Thanks for coming back to us and thanks for the recipe as well. Now if it would only get to fall like temps around here so I can enjoy a good bowl of it!


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