Post holiday
I've been scanning the blogs and websites that I usually read, and I'm very frustrated. No one is posting anything new to entertain me!
Then, I realized how long its been since I posted.
I've been mentally crafting that "perfect post" - but the longer I wait, the more "perfect" the next post has to be.
So, here is a brief update.
We travelled for Thanksgiving. Good time with family, lots of little kids. Not very eventful.
We decorated for Christmas on Saturday. Eliora has been carrying around a headless Joseph. The nativity set is not childproof at all, and this particular Joseph has been headless since last year. Tressa has asked if she can eat candy canes almost non-stop since we first put them on the tree. We let her have part of one each day. Walking the thin line between the sugar rush tantrum and the "I don't get what I want" tantrum. (Ah, the joys of two and a half!)
It snowed a very WET inch or two yesterday.
We went sledding in the park. The snow was so thin, we were mostly sledding on goose poop.
(Canadian geese think Amarillo is a vacation mecca.)
But, the sledding was a LOT of fun. We made about six or seven runs, then we were all soaking wet and we went home to a fire in the fireplace, and some hot chocolate.
Big holiday projects:
A felt story board nativity advent calendar.
I'll be cutting out donkeys and angels and sheep until Christmas, but I think it will be pretty cool.
Great news!!! An old friend has decided that she believes that Jesus is true. Been walking on cloud nine about that for a week, now.
I've decided to be intentional about a set aside time for me and God every day during the Advent season. Using Northumbria Daily meditations, and advent readings.
(Yeah, yeah, should have that way all year, but its not, so we start where we are, no?)
That's it for now.
Then, I realized how long its been since I posted.
I've been mentally crafting that "perfect post" - but the longer I wait, the more "perfect" the next post has to be.
So, here is a brief update.
We travelled for Thanksgiving. Good time with family, lots of little kids. Not very eventful.
We decorated for Christmas on Saturday. Eliora has been carrying around a headless Joseph. The nativity set is not childproof at all, and this particular Joseph has been headless since last year. Tressa has asked if she can eat candy canes almost non-stop since we first put them on the tree. We let her have part of one each day. Walking the thin line between the sugar rush tantrum and the "I don't get what I want" tantrum. (Ah, the joys of two and a half!)
It snowed a very WET inch or two yesterday.
We went sledding in the park. The snow was so thin, we were mostly sledding on goose poop.
(Canadian geese think Amarillo is a vacation mecca.)
But, the sledding was a LOT of fun. We made about six or seven runs, then we were all soaking wet and we went home to a fire in the fireplace, and some hot chocolate.
Big holiday projects:
A felt story board nativity advent calendar.
I'll be cutting out donkeys and angels and sheep until Christmas, but I think it will be pretty cool.
Great news!!! An old friend has decided that she believes that Jesus is true. Been walking on cloud nine about that for a week, now.
I've decided to be intentional about a set aside time for me and God every day during the Advent season. Using Northumbria Daily meditations, and advent readings.
(Yeah, yeah, should have that way all year, but its not, so we start where we are, no?)
That's it for now.
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