Directionally Correct

Directionally Correct is corporate-speak for something that's totally NOT right, but headed in the right direction. -- Huh.

среда, августа 30, 2006

"The Ho'ses go UP and DOWN!!"

The Birthday Girl!

(The brunette is our friend Debbie - she came to wish Elie a happy birthday, too!)


  • At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    she'll grow into a fine young lady...purse on her arm and all...

  • At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Анонимный said…

    Awww Happy Birthday Eliora! You have grown up so much in the short time that you have been gone! And so has your big sister Tressa. I can't wait to see you both when y'all come back home. You girls grow up tooo fast :) I miss you tons!!!!

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Nomad said…

    beautiful girls...


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